5 Best Parental Control Tools to Keep Kids Safe Online in 2024
We parents have it hard enough raising kids, but now we’re raising kids during a time when the whole world is in their pocket – for better or worse.
We know the internet offers them endless entertainment, education, and connection with their friends. But what about the risks? The privacy concerns, internet sleuths, and the possibility that a child will find themselves in the wrong corner of the internet concern many parents.

While some social media apps offer built-in parental controls, sometimes the features aren’t enough to keep risky content at bay.
Along with initiating an open conversation about how to navigate the web safely, we suggest parents consider a third-party app to help monitor and filter harmful content.
Here are five of the best online parental control tools to keep your kids in the clear:
A big dog in the parental control arena, Net Nanny regulates internet use across the devices for families, offering detailed reports of all tech activity.
Sends alerts and reports on online activity
YouTube video monitoring
Ability to set screen time limits
App, website, and pornography blockers
Some limitations with iOS devices
Can be a little pricey
On top of content regulating, Qustodio stands apart with its call and message monitoring, giving parents the ability to review call and messaging histories on devices.
Set screen time boundary setting
Custom web filtering to control content exposure
Location tracking
Reviews of call logs and text messages
Many features may not apply to iOS users
On the pricier side
Some security and privacy concerns raised by reviews

Many parents choose Bark because of its ability to quietly work in the background of their children’s social media apps and keep a watchful eye for potentially dangerous situations, alerting the parents if it detects anything of concern.
Focuses on monitoring social media apps, looking for signs of distress, cyberbullying, suicidal ideation, and inappropriate content
Alerts parents with the encouragement they initiate a conversation with their child
Screen time control and web blocking
Offers a free trial
Takes up a lot of storage space on phones and computers
Potentially intrusive hoops users need to go through to approve everyday phone use
Message monitoring is limited
From the well-known Norton brand, Norton Family offers parents filtering and boundary-setting features to put parents in control of their child’s content consumption. In addition, families love Norton because of its ability to report on their child’s search queries.
Offers a 30-day trial
Ability to set screen time boundaries
Web monitoring and blocking
Reports on search queries
A little pricey
Easily disabled by more tech-savvy kids or teens
Not compatible with Mac computers

Canopy uses AI to block inappropriate images and videos in real-time, filtering specific content without blocking entire websites.
Real-time content filtering across platforms
Screen time settings and app boundaries
Sexting prevention feature that alerts parents of a potentially inappropriate image being sent or received
Lengthy setup process
Tech-savvy kids could find their way around restrictions
Online safety measures are becoming increasingly important for parents to integrate into their family’s lives. As tech continues to evolve, so do healthy digital habits and hygiene. Parental control tools like the ones mentioned here give parents a leg up on not protecting their kids on the backend and helping them learn how to navigate the internet safely.
Ready to dig in further? Next, we tackle social media – what parents need to know here:
How Social Media Channels Gather Data: What Parents Need to Know